Habbo Avatar trait editing

How does it cost in Emeralds to use this feature?

It costs 3.5k Emeralds. This cost will apply to both creating a Crafted Avatar and "de-crafting" it to get the original avatars back. This could easily change in the future depending on interest towards the feature.


Do I have to pay gas when I create new Crafted Avatars?

Yes. For an explanation of what a "gas fee" is, check this guide.


When I create a Crafted Avatar, what happens to my original two genesis Habbo Avatars

They’ll be transferred to a newly created "vault" wallet. When avatars are burned their image is changed so that it's clear it can't be used in-game (until the Crafted Avatar it was used to create is reverted, anyway).


Will I get the two avatars back when I revert a Crafted Avatar?

Yes, but only if the avatars have basic, gold, diamond or rainbow effects (see the next FAQ for more information on this). Bear in mind that this also applies if you buy a Crafted Avatar and then decide to reverse the crafting process – you’ll get the two original avatars that were used to create it.

IMPORTANT: the ONLY place you can use the trait editing feature to both create and revert Crafted Avatars is https://nft.habbo.com/traits/editor. It may sound obvious, but don’t try and send Crafted Avatars to the burn wallet to get your original two back – this will not work and you’ll lose the avatar.


What happens if I use Trippy or Ultra Trippy avatars in the trait editor?

Trippy or Ultra Trippy avatars will not be burned when they’re used in the trait editor. We decided to do this so that those avatars aren’t removed from the genesis Habbo Avatars collection.

This impacts the process in a number of significant ways:

  1. Once Trippy or Ultra Trippy avatars are used in the trait editor, they cannot be used to craft any more avatars.
  2. When Trippy or Ultra Trippy avatars are used in the trait editor, they keep their Habbo X room. This is different to when Basic, Gold, Diamond or Rainbow avatars are used in the trait editor: when they are used their rooms are transferred over to the Crafted Avatar.
  3. When Trippy or Ultra Trippy avatars are used in the trait editor, the new Crafted Avatar gets its own, new Habbo X room. Note that if you use two Trippy or Ultra-Trippy avatars to create a Crafted Avatar, the Crafted Avatar will get two new Habbo X rooms. More information about rooms connected to Habbo Avatars can be found here.
  4. Due to the above reasons, Crafted Avatars that have one or two new rooms, that is, that were created using one or two Trippy or Ultra-Trippy avatars cannot be burned or reverted. If Crafted Avatar cannot be reverted, it'll be shown in a new trait we're adding like this: "Revertible: NO".


Does it cost Emeralds to revert my Crafted Avatar?

Yes, it’ll cost 3.5k Emeralds. This is non-refundable, and could change in the future depending on interest towards the feature.


Do I pay gas fees when I revert my Crafted Avatar?

Yes. And this is non-refundable.

For an explanation of what a "gas fee" is, check this guide.


Will I get the Emeralds and gas refunded when I revert my Crafted Avatar?

No. For an explanation of what a "gas fee" is, check this guide.


Will avatars flagged for “suspicious activity” be usable in this feature?



Will avatars flagged for suspicious activity remain flagged if they are reverted?



Will you ever remove this feature and remove the ability to create new Crafted Avatars for the new collection permanently?

While we can’t promise to keep Crafted Avatar creation open forever, the intention is to leave it open. If we do decide to close it, we’ll give ample warning.


If Trippy and Ultra Trippy avatars aren’t burnt, does that mean owners of avatars with effects of that rarity will get perks from both the genesis and Crafted Avatar collections?



Is there a way to see which two avatars were used to create a Crafted Avatar?

Yes, you can do this in the Avatar Editor section of the website.


How do you ensure two avatars that are exactly the same aren’t crafted?

Before a new Crafted Avatar is created, our systems will check to ensure that the exact same avatar doesn’t already exist in either collection.


How will you ensure that Ultra Trippy, 1:1 avatars from the genesis collection aren't copiable with lookalikes?

To ensure the trait editor isn’t used to create lookalikes of each of the Ultra Trippy avatars we have in the genesis Habbo Avatars collection, we’ll add some extra rules. For example, Face: Steampunk Robot + Shirt: Cyberpunk Battle Armour + Legs: Cyberpunk Striders + Hue: Desert is blocked and an avatar with those traits cannot be created. Also, we are preventing the creation of exact copies of all avatars. That is, you cannot copy existing genesis Habbo Avatars you own to the new Crafted Avatars collection.


How many Emeralds will Crafted Avatars get on a daily basis, and what will the precise perks be?

They'll get 30 Emeralds per day, and double claims and airdrops. We haven't yet decided what perks they'll get in Habbo X, neither have we decided what perks genesis Habbo Avatars or Habbo Portraits will get.

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